Over the past eight years, we have seen just how low Donald Trump can take Washington Republicans. Those who have spoken up against him in attempt to save our democracy have been ridiculed and pushed out of Congress. I’m not afraid to stand up against an entrenched machine - I did it in Roselle Park and I’ll fight for all of New Jersey in Washington.

Voting Rights

Across the nation, the GOP has worked to slowly take over the redistricting process by gaining control of state legislatures. Once in power, they’ve made it harder for black and brown Americans to vote. Access to the ballot box is a basic right that members of my family fought for during World War II and so many members of the military fight to protect each day. We owe it to them to protect the sanctity of our democracy in Washington.

Climate Change

Each day that we are not taking steps to reduce our energy consumption and switch to a clean energy future is another day we are falling too far behind. Oil and coal corporations have funded right wing extremists to make baseless claims against offshore wind in New Jersey. The reality is that if we don’t take action on a green energy future today, we won’t have any beaches to enjoy after hurricanes continue to batter the shore more frequently.

Clean Energy Economy

Federal investment in fortifying our electric grid is essential to a clean energy future. With more and more electric cars popping up on the roads, our local power transmission systems are not going to accommodate everyone charging at once. By working together with neighboring states and the federal government, we can meet our goal of a 100% clean energy economy by 2050, if not sooner.

Jobs and Economy

New Jersey is home to one of the most highly-skilled workforces in the nation. Pharmaceutical companies have long been based in and around CD-7, offering high-quality science, technology, and manufacturing jobs. Located between New York City and Philadelphia, our location positions us as an economic engine for the region. While the way in which we work has changed, the strength and determination of our workforce has remained steady.

Affordability for Families

We need to make New Jersey more affordable by restoring the state and local tax (SALT) deduction. The cost of living in our state is high, but through federal legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS and Science Act, and Bipartisan Infrastructure law, Washington has taken steps to get costs back under control. I’ll join our New Jersey delegation in supporting efforts like these to make New Jersey more affordable.

Create High-Quality

Jobs Right Here For decades the Garden State has been a leader in science, technology, and manufacturing innovation. Led by one of the most highly-skilled workforces in the world, our residents are driving the economic engine for the region. We can encourage the construction of technology manufacturing facilities, including semiconductor chips, in the U.S., fund advanced research and development at our universities and laboratories, and expand partnerships for STEM education and workforce training between schools and employers.

Rebuild Crumbling Transportation Infrastructure

The Gateway Tunnel is finally back under construction, but the tri-state’s transportation woes are far from gone. We need sustained, long-term investment from Washington to keep our region humming along and producing 20% of the nation’s GDP. Maintaining our roadways is critical to supporting our local economy, and federal investment is necessary to modernize our bridges and tunnels.

Tax Relief

Our state is one of the highest taxed states in the nation and Washington provides far too little for the communities of CD-7. As a Mayor, I’ve seen how few federal resources are available for public safety, education, and infrastructure. The 2021 Trump Tax Plan was devastating for our state, punishing our communities for investing in education while giving breaks to the top 1%.

Affordability for Families

New Jersey families deserve tax fairness and by removing the SALT deduction, President Trump and Washington Republicans unfairly punished our residents. I’m committed to finding a pathway forward that eliminates the SALT deduction cap for over 95% of CD-7 families. Billionaires need to pay their fair share and Washington has to give New Jersey families a break

Reproductive Rights

Reproductive rights are human rights. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade brought us back 50 years and put the lives of millions of women at risk in places where politicians want to control women’s health care. This conversation belongs solely between a woman and her healthcare provider.

I’ll proudly vote to support the Women’s Health Protection Act if it has to come to the floor of the House for another vote. I’ll work with other members of the New Jersey delegation in encouraging colleagues in the Senate to join us in codifying Roe. And I’ll work to protect funding for community health centers that provide critical reproductive healthcare for everyone.


New Jersey’s public schools are the best in the nation with some of the highest-performing districts located in CD-7. I am a proud product of our public schools and am committed to protecting funding for our students. Education is the doorway to opportunity and in our state, we recognize the important link between schools and our economy.

Supporting K-12 Districts

Our local school districts are directly tied to property values in New Jersey. Federal investment in public education has been limited in CD-7, leaving most of the financial burden on local taxpayers. I’ll advocate for federal funding that helps provide an education for every student, supports programs for students with special needs, and strengthens the link between high schools and community colleges.

Universal Pre-K

New Jersey has been a leader in expanding pre-k for our youngest students. Study after study shows that early childhood education investment pays off in later years. Our schools can excel even more by offering every child a place to jump start their learning.

College Affordability

The cost of higher education has exploded while wages and college savings programs have severely lagged. Paying for college has become a burden to both families who want to support their children and students paying their own way through college. I support simplifying, streamlining, and bolstering federal financial aid, while also working with state, local, and private institutions to stem the tide of egregious tuition costs.


The ever-rising cost of healthcare continues to take a toll on families in New Jersey. Healthcare is a right and no matter how hard Washington Republicans try to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, I’ll fight to help our families access high-quality, affordable health care. A trip to the emergency room shouldn’t result in families deciding whether to put food on the table or pay a hospital bill.

Drug and Hospital Price Controls

There is no magic bullet for solving our healthcare affordability crisis, but step one is reigning in spending. Just like we do with Medicare, we need to bring private companies and government entities together to set reasonable prices for prescription drugs and hospital bills. From insulin to broken legs - no one should have sticker shock at life-saving care.

Federal Paid Family Leave

Early childhood development is incredibly important and new parents need to spend time with their newborn baby. Federal parental leave is something we woefully lag behind in comparison to the rest of the developed world. Mothers and fathers are our everything, and they deserve a federally protected paid maternity and paternity leave.